Monday, January 21, 2008

A tiny sprinkle: bring instant happiness in your life

I can be skeptical. My actual guess is that life flows quite smoother for those of us who recall this meme fast when necessary.
Doubt. Question what you read and what you hear if you aim to grow your intelligence at pace with this fast revolving world.
But what if you could imagine the existence of a thought, a tiny sprinkle of information capable of bringing instant happiness, tranquility, peace in your life ? How would you value that bit of knowledge ? What would life be like if you could come back to a stable place of lightness whenever you want to ?
Let me ask you one simple question: How do you feel ?


Does your answer deal with emotions or self-awareness ? Various paths of science, philosophy, art and spirituality seem to portrait emotions as a crucial factor in human life. I will talk about these paths, stay tuned :) For our purpose now emotions can be seen as neurochemical reactions of the mind/body system marking the interaction of expectations and perception. Our brain is often described as designed to infer the causal structure of the world from limited information. We are exceptionally good at detecting coherent patterns from huge amounts of sensory data. Then, inside our little - may I say limited ? - model of the world we take most decisions unconsciously assigning some kind of risk/reward ratio to potential choices. From the deep and magic sea of thought a small part of this amazing machinery makes it to the surface. And we know when we feel scared or satisfied, sad or excited. And we make decisions. If you are like me, when you make a decision you are feeling something. Now, the amazing thing to look at is that the source of our emotions, what makes us tick, is not 'reality' itself, we don't get excited from raw data. It's the representation that is able to awake our joy, and when we fear something the physical symptoms of this state of mind arise as effects of limited amounts of information used by our internal representation system - in that moment, from that point of view (another way of talking of data filtering). Moreover, while raw data - all the things we know and don't know of this continuum we happen to share, interacting with one's mind/body system in a particular moment - while raw data doesn't directly affect emotions, emotions in turn seem clearly to affect the way we internally, most unconsciously represent this data, ultimately emotions come to shape what we use to call reality.


That's powerful. Because what I want to be seeing in my mind's theater is the richest, the most colorful and symphonic, the most deeply sensual performance, always.
What do you want ?
“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
- Alice in Wonderland -
Given the choice, I want to choose a peculiar point of view. Like the center of a sphere, like standing on some sort hyperbolic tiling: each side of a tile is the door to a novel reality tunnel, with its net of more or less systematic beliefs.
Though there are many paths At the foot of the mountain All those who reach the top See the same moon. -Introduction to Aikido -
It's all about metaphors, really. I'm talking of emotion management. Were I to sell it in a more snake-oil vendor's style we could call it like -
Perception enhancement through ecologic manipulation of self-defining metaphors
- or some fancy analogue.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted" said (maybe) Hassan-i Sabbah, (maybe) erroneously referred as the old man of the mountain, master of the Order of the Assassins."Welcome to maybe logic !" could have answered Robert Anton Wilson.
Everything is possible. I mean everything. I know it for sure. There is a place, at least one, where this is undeniably true. You know it too. Sure you do. Everything is possible in someone's mind. Is everything an illusion ? How could I know, I ask. Yet every concept articulated in language must have begun as a metaphor. Scientific concepts were metaphors once, poetic and vital:
"....when we speak of two concrete individuals, `two' is not given a literal but a figurative sense. In order to conclude that Socrates and Cebes together form a (quantitative) group of two, the measurer must ignore the Socratic character of Socrates and the Cebean nature of Cebes.... Thus, the concrete `two' refers us to unlike component unities. We may call this kind of unit pre-mathematical, for it cannot be used in counting objects but only for referring to objects before abstraction from their unique being has been made." Ballard, Edward G. For the purposes of designing a measurement system, we "act as if", "entertain the possibility that", "suspend our disbelief in the fiction that" what we are counting is some kind of "one" thing.

IKE - the first principle of Huna - The world is what you think it is.
They know. They've had the wisdom for long. Clear and clean, a tiny sprinkle of information. A simple thought. A powerful device.

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