Monday, January 14, 2008

Observing the observer

"... As the observer of the contents of my mind (thoughts, feeling, emotions, sensations, associations), I am more than the contents of my mind. Anyone who has studied Eastern traditions will recognize the obvious origins of this [...] The cornerstone of most meditation disciplines is the practice of observing, "witnessing" or being mindful to the contents of one's mind or state-of-being. Thus one observes specific thoughts, images, sensations, feeling and emotions as they occur and, in the process, gains a sense of being separate from or more than the flow of these contents. Once an observer begins to appreciate that he is not his thoughts, feelings and emotions but rather an observing presence, a process of disidentification is inaugurated that gradually constellates as the first bridge to Quantum Consciousness ...."

 - S.Wolinsky Quantum Consciousness -


Begin with reserving a place and a time that will be yours. You don't want to be disturbed, as you explore the beauty within.
Find a comfortable position - as long as it feels natural anything should be ok, you can sit or lie, or stand, whatever :) - and pay attention to your breathing. Breathe naturally, at your own pace.

Pay attention to the exhalation. Relax for a couple of minutes.
When it feels right, close your eyes and simply observe the activity of your consciousness.
Try to catch every single thought, logical or intuitive, every sensation from the body, every reaction to external stimuli.

Look in the caleidoscope and avoid getting moved by what you see.
Remember: you want to observe, to witness yourself.
Suspend any judgement, any mental or physical action.

And realize.
Can you hear yourself talking ?

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