Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Heart meditation: learning to love yourself and others

Sit comfortably.


Take your time and find yourself relaxing, deeper and deeper with every breath. Consciousness moves in spiraling motions. You are going to allow yourself to react, peacefully, to this spiraling of consciousness. Taking the powerful step of learning to love yourself. The heart is the center of the creative mind, it connects basic survival needs with more complex needs and practically affects your ability to love - both others and yourself. Learning to love yourself makes loving others easier. Your internal self-confidence and security is projected to those around you and naturally enhances all of your relationships. Now, in the present, you are free to love.

Feel the freedom to simply look deep into yourself:

  • What do you need to forgive yourself for ?
  • Who needs forgiving from you ?

Reclaim your birthright to love and be loved. You’re living in the best of all possible worlds. Feel the perfection of the universe. Just let go of any judgement. It’s that simple. Let go. In a moment you’ll discover that your need to control has gone. Dissolved into this inner light of yours. The pure beauty of your creative mind.

Your heart is vastly capable of containing all that you feel, all that you hope, all that you dream. As you let down the walls you have erected to guard yourself from further hurt, you begin to feel just how big your heart is. Breathe. Open the centre of yourself – open your heart, and let in all of the hurts and sadnesses of your life. Feel them. Let your heart do what it is best at. And breathe. Be kind with yourself. Breathe. Let your heart absorb your thoughts and remembrances. Let it all go.

In a few moments, when you feel ready, you will close your eyes and unleash the healing light of your heart. Listen to your inner voice, getting warmer and warmer.

You've begun to shift the focus of your awareness, from your head to your heart. And this process is developing naturally, now. Just imagine you're sinking deeply down into your own center.

Feel your heart. Breathe. You can almost hear your heartbeat now. Be kind with yourself.



Listen, as tension melts in the warm power of your center, now.

Breathe. Listen.

Close your eyes.

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